



Name Attribute Options Description Example
Page ID id Your Page ID The Page ID of the Facebook Page you want to display id=smashballoon
Use your own Access Token ownaccesstoken true
If you are using your own Access Token in a shortcode but not in the settings page then this must be set to be true in the shortcode. You also need to use the accesstoken setting below with it to set your Access Token. ownaccesstoken=true
Access Token accesstoken Your Access Token Only needs to be used in the event that you need to use a specific Access Token in a specific feed. If you’re not using your own token on the settings page then you need to set ownaccesstoken=true in the shortcode as well. accesstoken='YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Page Type pagetype page Due to recent Facebook API changes, it is no longer possible to display a feed from a Facebook Group unfortunately. pagetype=page
Number of posts num Any number The number of posts you wish to display num=5
Post limit limit Any number Define the number of posts retrieved from the Facebook API limit=5
Post offset offset Any number less than the number of posts you’re displaying The number of posts to offset the feed by. For example, offset=2 would start the feed at the third post. offset=1
Show posts by others showpostsby ‘me’
Select whether to show posts by only the page owner, anyone who posts on your page, or only others who post on your page. showpostsby=others
Caching time cachetime Any number Define the amount of time to cache posts for before checking Facebook for new ones (the unit of time can be set using the ‘cacheunit’ option described below cachetime=5
Caching unit of time cacheunit minutes
Select the unit of time for cachine (the amount time can be set using the ‘cachetime’ option described above cacheunit=hours
Locale locale en_US
Define the language that the Like box should be localized to locale=es_ES
Ajax ajax true
Whether or not the Custom Facebook Feed content is being loaded in via Ajax by your WordPress theme ajax=true
General Styling
Feed width width Any number + unit The width of the feed container (including the unit) width=500px
Feed height height Any number + unit The height of the feed container (including the unit) height=500px
Feed padding padding Any number + unit The padding applied to the feed container (including the unit) padding=20px
Background color bgcolor Color Hex code – # The background color of the feed (not including the #) bgcolor=FF0000
Disable Lightbox disablelightbox true
Disable the popup photo/video lightbox (Pro version only) disablelightbox=true
CSS class class Any text string (may include dashes or underscores, but no spaces) The CSS class to be added to the feed’s container class=myfeed
Post Types
Post type type events
status or statuses
The types of posts you want to display (Pro version only) type=events,status,links
Post Type: Events – the options below only apply when showing only the Events post type
Event source eventsource eventspage
Whether to display your events from your Facebook Events page or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the events post type) (Pro version only) eventsource=eventspage
Past Events pastevents true
Whether to display past events from your Facebook page (only applies when only displaying the events post type) (Pro version only). Please note, that after adding the shortcode option you may need to clear the plugin cache by clicking “Save Changes” on the plugin’s main settings page so that the plugin checks Facebook for the past events. pastevents=true
Event time offset eventoffset Any number The number of hours to continuing showing events for after the start time of the event has passed (only applies when only displaying the events post type) (Pro version only) eventoffset=24
Event image size eventimage full
Whether to display full sized event images or square cropped versions. This only applies when showing events only from your Events page (not from your timeline). To adjust the size of the image use the layout option in the Post Layout section below. (Pro version only) eventimage=cropped
‘No upcoming Events’ text noeventstext Any text string The text to display when there are no upcoming events to display (Pro version only) noeventstext="More events coming soon"
‘Interested’ text interestedtext Any text string The text to display to show how many people are interested in an event (Pro version only) interestedtext="interested"
‘Going’ text goingtext Any text string The text to display to show how many people are going to an event (Pro version only) goingtext="going"
‘Buy Tickets’ text buyticketstext Any text string The text to display for the “Buy Tickets” link (Pro version only) buyticketstext="Tickets"
Post Type: Albums – the options below only apply when showing only the Albums post type
Album source albumsource photospage
Whether to display your albums from your Facebook Photos page or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the albums post type) (Pro version only) albumsource=photospage
Show album title showalbumtitle true
Whether to display the album title when displaying only the Albums post type (Pro version only) showalbumtitle=true
Show album number showalbumnum true
Whether to display the album number when displaying only the Albums post type (Pro version only) showalbumnum=true
Number of columns in album grid albumcols 1-8 The number of columns to display albums in when displaying only the Albums post type (Pro version only) albumcols=3
Post Type: Photos – the options below only apply when showing only the Photos post type
Photos source photosource photospage
Whether to display your photos from your Facebook Photos page or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the photos post type) (Pro version only) photosource=photospage
Number of columns in photos grid photocols 1-8 The number of columns to display photos in when displaying only the Photos post type (Pro version only) photocols=3
Post Type: Videos – the options below only apply when showing only the Videos post type
Video source videosource videospage
Whether to display your videos from your Facebook Videos page/album or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the videos post type) (Pro version only) videosource=videospage
Show video name showvideoname true
Whether to display the video name when displaying only the Videos post type (Pro version only) showvideoname=true
Show video description showvideodesc true
Whether to display the video description when displaying only the Videos post type (Pro version only) showvideodesc=true
Number of columns in video grid videocols 1-8 The number of columns to display videos in when displaying only the Videos post type (Pro version only) videocols=3
Load More button
Show Load More button loadmore true
Whether to show the Load More button at the bottom of the feed (Pro version only) loadmore=false
Button background color buttoncolor Color Hex code – # The background color of the Load More button (not including the #) (Pro version only) buttoncolor=ff0000
Button hover color buttonhovercolor Color Hex code – # The background color of the Load More button when hovered upon (not including the #) (Pro version only) buttonhovercolor=333333
Button hover color buttontextcolor Color Hex code – # The text color of the Load More button (not including the #) (Pro version only) buttontextcolor=CCCCCC
‘Load More’ button text buttontext Any text The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Load More’ text (Pro version only) buttontext='More..'
Filter by String
Filter filter any text string or hashtag Only show posts containing the defined string. Separate multiple strings with commas. Multiple strings will be treated as OR. (Pro version only) filter="website"
Exclude Filter exfilter any text string or hashtag Do not show posts containing the defined string. Separate multiple strings with commas. Multiple strings will be treated as OR. (Pro version only) exfilter="website"
Post Layout
Post layout layout thumb
The post layout you want to use (Pro version only) layout=thumb
Photo/Video Position mediaposition ‘above’
Whether to display the photo or video above or below the post text. Only applies to the Full-width layout. (Pro version only) mediaposition='above'
Always use the Full-width layout when feed is narrow? enablenarrow true
When displaying posts in either a narrow column or on a mobile device the plugin will automatically default to using the ‘Full-width’ layout as it’s better suited to narrow sizes. (Pro version only) enablenarrow=false
Only show one image per post oneimage true
If a Facebook post contains more than photo then enabling this setting means that only the first photo in the post is displayed.(Pro version only) oneimage=true
Include in post include author
The parts of the post you want to include (when applicable) (The ‘media’ and ‘social’ options are only available in the pro version) include=text,date,likebox
Exclude from post exclude author
The parts of the post you want to exclude (when applicable) (The ‘media’ and ‘social’ options are only available in the pro version) exclude=social,link,likebox
Show/Hide post author showauthor true
Show or hide the name and avatar of the post author showauthor=false
Post Styling
Post background color postbgcolor Color Hex code – # The background color of each individual Facebook post (not including the #) postbgcolor=ff0000
Post corner radius postcorners Any number (not including a unit) The radius of the rounded corners on a post (not including px) postcorners=10
Post separating line color sepcolor Color Hex code – # The color of the line separating the posts sepcolor=CFCFCF
Post separating line size sepsize Any number – unit The thickness in pixels of the line separating the posts sepsize=3
Text Character Limits
Maximum post text length textlength Any number The maximum character length of the post text textlength=200
Description maximum length desclength Any number The maximum character length of the description desclength=150
‘See More’ link text seemoretext Any text The text you wish to use in place of the ‘See More’ link text seemoretext='Expand'
‘See Less’ link text seelesstext Any text The text you wish to use in place of the ‘See Less’ link text seelesstext='Hide'
Feed Header
Show the feed header showheader true
Whether to display a customizable header at the top of the feed showheader=true
Display header outside/inside headeroutside true
Whether to display the feed header inside or outside of the feed’s container headeroutside=true
Header text headertext Any text string The text to display in the header headertext='Facebook Feed'
Header background color headerbg Color Hex code – # The background color of the feed header (not including the #) headerbg=DDD
Header padding headerpadding Any number + unit The padding applied to the feed header (including the unit) headerpadding=20px
Header text size headertextsize Any number – unit The font size of the header text in pixels (not including a unit) headertextsize=28
Header text weight headertextweight inherit
The text weight of the header text headertextweight=bold
Header text color headertextcolor Color Hex code – # The color of the page header (not including the #) headertextcolor=333
Header icon headericon facebook-square
The icon to use in the page header headericon=facebook
Header icon color headericoncolor Color Hex code – # The color of the icon in the feed header (not including the #) headericoncolor=FFF
Icon size headericonsize Any number – unit The size of the header icon in pixels (not including a unit) headericonsize=28
Post Author
Author text size authorsize Any number – unit The font size of the author text in pixels (not including a unit) authorsize=20
Author text color authorcolor Color Hex code – # The color of the author text (not including the #) authorcolor=ff0000
Post Text
Post text format textformat Any HTML format The HTML tag that the post text should be wrapped in textformat=p
Post text font size textsize Any number – unit The font size of the post text in pixels (not including a unit) textsize=12
Post text weight textweight inherit
The weight of the post text textweight=bold
Post text color textcolor Color Hex code – # The color of the post text (not including the #) textcolor=333
Link color textlinkcolor Color Hex code – # The color of the links in the post text (not including the #) textlinkcolor=E69100
Link post text textlink true
Whether to link the post text to the post on Facebook textlink=true
Post tags posttags true
Whether to link @tags in your posts
Link hash tags linkhashtags true
Whether to link hashtags in your posts linkhashtags=false
‘See More’ text seemoretext Any text The text you wish to use in place of the ‘See More’ link text seemoretext="Expand"
‘See Less’ text seelesstext Any text The text you wish to use in place of the ‘See Less’ link text seelesstext="Hide"
Photo/Video/Link Description
Description font size descsize Any number – unit The font size of the descriptions in pixels (not including a unit) descsize=11
Description text weight descweight inherit
The weight of the description descweight=bold
Description color desccolor Color Hex code – # The color of the description (not including the #) desccolor=9F9F9F
Shared Links
Use full-size link images fulllinkimages true
Whether to use full-size images for shared link posts instead of square cropped thumbnails. The size of the images will match the post layout that you selected (thumbnail, half width or full width) fulllinkimages=true
Link title format linktitleformat Any HTML format The HTML tag that shared link titles should be wrapped in linktitleformat='h3'
Link title font size linktitlesize Any number – unit The font size of the link title in pixels (not including a unit) linktitlesize='18'
Link title color linktitlecolor Color Hex code – # The color of the link title text (not including the #) linktitlecolor='ff0000'
Link URL color linkurlcolor Color Hex code – # The color of the link URL (source) text (not including the #) linkurlcolor='999999'
Link box background color linkbgcolor Color Hex code – # The background color of the link box (not including the #) linkbgcolor='EEE'
Link box border color linkbordercolor Color Hex code – # The border color of the link box (not including the #) linkbordercolor='CCC'
Remove the link box disablelinkbox true
Whether to hide the box around shared links disablelinkbox=true
Date position datepos author
Whether to position the post date directly beneath the post author, above the post text or below the post text at the bottom of the post datepos=below
Date size datesize Any number – unit The font size of the date in pixels (not including a unit) datesize=14
Date weight dateweight inherit
The text weight of the date dateweight=normal
Date color datecolor Color Hex code – # The color of the date (not including the #) datecolor=EAD114
Date format dateformat Numbers 1 – 13 The format that the date should be displayed in
1 = Posted 2 days ago
2 = July 25th, 5:30 pm
3 = July 25th
4 = Thu July 25th
5 = Thursday July 25th
6 = Thu Jul 25th, 2017
7 = Thursday July 25th, 2017
8 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 – 5:30 pm
9 = Thursday Jul 25th, ’17
10 = 07.25.13
11 = 07/25/13
12 = 25.07.13
13 = 25/07/13
14 = 25-07-2017, 17:30
15 = 25th July 2017, 17:30
16 = 25 Jul 2017, 17:30
17 = Monday 25th July 2017, 17:30
18 = 07.25.16 – 17:30
19 = 25.07.16 – 17:30
Date custom format datecustom Any PHP date format Use a custom date format instead of the built-in options (reference) datecustom='D M jS, Y'
Event Title
Event title format eventtitleformat Any HTML format The HTML tag that event titles should be wrapped in eventtitleformat=h5
Event title size eventtitlesize Any number – unit The font size of event titles in pixels (not including a unit) eventtitlesize=12
Event title weight eventtitleweight inherit
The text weight of event titles eventtitleweight=bold
Event title color eventtitlecolor Color Hex code – # The color of event titles (not including the #) eventtitlecolor=666
Link event title eventtitlelink true
Whether to link the event title to the event on Facebook eventtitlelink=true
Event Date
Event date size eventdatesize Any number – unit The font size of event date in pixels (not including a unit) eventdatesize=18
Event date weight eventdateweight inherit
The text weight of event dates eventdateweight=bold
Event date color eventdatecolor Color Hex code – # The color of event dates (not including the #) eventdatecolor=EB6A00
Event date position eventdatepos below
Whether to position the event date above or below the event title eventdatepos=below
Event date format eventdateformat Numbers 1 – 13 The format that the event date should be displayed in
1 = July 25, 2017, 5:30pm
2 = July 25th, 5:30pm
3 = 5:30pm – July 25th
4 = 5:30pm, July 25th
5 = Thursday July 25th – 5:30pm
6 = Thu Jul 25th, 2017, 5:30PM
7 = Thursday July 25th, 2017, 5:30PM
8 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 – 5:30pm
9 = Thursday Jul 25th, ’17
10 = 07.25.17 – 5:30PM
11 = 07/25/17, 5:30pm
12 = 25.07.17 – 5:30PM
13 = 25/07/17, 5:30pm
14 = Jul 25, 5:30pm
15 = Jul 25, 17:30
16 = 25-07-2016, 17:30
17 = 25th July 2016, 17:30
18 = 25 Jul 2016, 17:30
19 = Monday 25th July 2016, 17:30
20 = 07.25.16 – 17:30
21 = 25.07.16 – 17:30
Event date custom format eventdatecustom Any PHP date format Use a custom date format instead of the built-in options (reference) eventdatecustom='D M jS, Y'
Event Details
Event details size eventdetailssize Any number – unit The font size of the event details in pixels (not including a unit) eventdetailssize=13
Event details weight eventdetailsweight inherit
The text weight of the event details eventdetailsweight=bold
Event details color eventdetailscolor Color Hex code – # The color of the event details (not including the #) eventdetailscolor=FFF000
Event details link color eventlinkcolor Color Hex code – # The color of the links in the event details (not including the #) eventlinkcolor=333
Post Actions Links
Link size linksize Any number – unit The font size of the post link in pixels (not including a unit) linksize=13
Link weight linkweight inherit
The text weight of the post link linkweight=bold
Link color linkcolor Color Hex code – # The text color of the post link linkcolor=E01B5D
Show Facebook link showfacebooklink true
Whether to show the ‘View on Facebook’ link showfacebooklink=true
Facebook link text facebooklinktext Any text The text you wish to use in place of the ‘View on Facebook’ link text facebooklinktext='Read more...'
Show Share link showsharelink true
Whether to show the ‘Share’ link showsharelink=true
Share link text sharelinktext Any text The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Share’ link text sharelinktext='Share this post'
Social – Like, shares and comments
Icon style iconstyle light
Whether to use light or dark icons (Pro version only) iconstyle=dark
Social text color socialtextcolor Color Hex code – # The text color of the likes, shares and comments numbers, and the comments text (not including the #) (Pro version only) socialtextcolor=FFF
Social background color socialbgcolor Color Hex code – # The background color of the likes, shares and comments box, and the slide down comments box (not including the #) (Pro version only) socialbgcolor=111
Expand comments initially expandcomments true
Whether to expand the comments below the posts initially (Pro version only) expandcomments=true
Number of initial comments commentsnum Any number (max 25) The number of comments to show initially when the comments box is expanded (Pro version only) commentsnum=1
Hide the comment images hidecommentimages true
Whether to the hide the profile pictures of the commenters on each post (Pro version only) hidecommentimages=true
Display comments in the lightbox lightboxcomments true
Whether to the display post comments in the popup lightbox (works for timeline posts only) (Pro version only) lightboxcomments=true
Like Box / Page Plugin
Like box position likeboxpos top
Whether to display the Facebook Like box at the top or bottom of the feed likeboxpos=top
Like box outside/inside likeboxoutside true
Whether to display the Facebook Like box inside or outside of the feed’s container
Custom Like Box width likeboxwidth Any number between 180 and 500 The width of the Like Box. Default is 340. Min is 180. Max is 500. likeboxwidth=500
Show Like box Faces likeboxfaces true
Whether to show the avatars of people who like your page likeboxfaces=true
Include your Cover photo likeboxcover true
Whether to use your Facebook page Cover photo as the background of the Like Box likeboxcover=true
Use a small header likeboxsmallheader true
Whether to use a slim/small version of the Like Box header likeboxsmallheader=true
Hide the call to action button likeboxhidebtn true
Whether to hide the call-to-action button in the Like Box (if available) likeboxhidebtn=true
Lightbox Video player videoplayer facebook
The video player to use for playing videos. The official Facebook Video Player (supports HD, Live, and 360o videos) or the browser’s HTML5 video player.(Pro version only) videoplayer=facebook
Video action videoaction playvideo
When clicking on a non-embedded video define whether to play the video directly in your feed, or link to the video on Facebook to play the video there (Pro version only) videoaction=facebook
Show credit link credit true
Choose whether to add a ‘Custom Facebook Feed’ link to the bottom of your feed credit=true
Nofollow links nofollow true
Whether to add ‘rel=”nofollow”‘ to all links. Default is set to true. (Pro version only) nofollow=false
Custom Text / Translate
Post Text
‘See more’ text seemoretext Any text string Used when truncating the post text seemoretext="See more"
‘See less’ text seelesstext Any text string Used when truncating the post text seelesstext="See less"
Events text
‘Map’ text maptext Any text string Added after the address of an event sharelinktext="Share"
‘No upcoming events’ text noeventstext Any text string Shown when there are no upcoming events to display noeventstext="No upcoming events"
Post action link text
‘View on Facebook’ text facebooklinktext Any text string Used for the link to the post on Facebook facebooklinktext="View on Facebook"
‘Share’ text sharelinktext Any text string Used for sharing the Facebook post via Social Media sharelinktext="Share"
“Load More” button
‘Load More’ text buttontext Any text string Used for the Load More button at the bottom of the feed buttontext="More.."
‘No more posts’ text nomoretext Any text string Displayed when there are no more posts available to load nomoretext="That's all folks"
Likes, Shares and Comments text
‘View previous comments’ text previouscommentstext Any text string Used in the comments section (when applicable) previouscommentstext="View previous comments"
‘Comment on Facebook’ text commentonfacebooktext Any text string Used at the bottom of the comments section commentonfacebooktext="Comment on Facebook"
‘Comment on Facebook’ text commentonfacebooktext Any text string Used at the bottom of the comments section commentonfacebooktext="Comment on Facebook"
‘Photos’ text photostext Any text string Added to the end of an album name. Eg. (6 photos) photostext="photos"
‘like this’ text likethistext Any text string Eg. __ and __ like this likethistext="like this"
‘likes this’ text likesthistext Any text string Eg. __ likes this likesthistext="likes this"
‘reacted to this’ text reactedtothistext Any text string Eg. __ reacted to this reactedtothistext="reacted to this"
‘and’ text andtext Any text string Eg. __ and __ like this andtext="and"
‘other’ text othertext Any text string Eg. __, __ and 1 other like this othertext="other"
‘others’ text otherstext Any text string Eg. __, __ and 10 others like this otherstext="others"
‘reply’ text replytext Any text string Eg. 1 reply replytext="reply"
‘replies’ text repliestext Any text string Eg. 5 replies repliestext="replies"
‘second’ text secondtext Any text string Eg: 1 second ago secondtext="second"
‘seconds’ text secondstext Any text string Eg: 30 seconds ago secondstext="seconds"
‘minute’ text minutetext Any text string Eg: 1 minute ago minutetext="minute"
‘minutes’ text minutestext Any text string Eg: 5 minutes ago minutestext="minutes"
‘hour’ text hourtext Any text string Eg: 1 hour ago hourtext="hour"
‘hours’ text hourstext Any text string Eg: 2 hours ago hourstext="hours"
‘day’ text daytext Any text string Eg: 1 day ago daytext="day"
‘days’ text daystext Any text string Eg: 2 days ago daystext="days"
‘week’ text weektext Any text string Eg: 1 week ago weektext="week"
‘weeks’ text weekstext Any text string Eg: 2 weeks ago weekstext="weeks"
‘month’ text monthtext Any text string Eg: 1 month ago monthtext="month"
‘months’ text monthstext Any text string Eg: 9 months ago monthstext="months"
‘year’ text yeartext Any text string Eg: 1 year ago yeartext="year"
‘years’ text yearstext Any text string Eg: 2 years ago yearstext="years"
‘ago’ text agotext Any text string Eg: 1 day ago agotext="ago"
Multifeed Extension
Page IDs id Any Page ID The IDs of the pages you want to display id="cnn,bbcnews,usatoday"
Total Number num Any number The total number of posts to display in your feed num=10
Post Limit limit Any number The number of posts to display from each Facebook ID in your multifeed limit=3
Date Range Extension
From from mm/dd/yy
-x minutes
-x hours
-x days
-x weeks
-x months
The date to display posts from
The number of minutes ago
The number of hours ago
The number of days ago
The number of weeks ago
The number of months ago
from="-15 minutes"
from="-1 hour"
from="-2 days"
from="-3 weeks"
from="-1 month"
Until until mm/dd/yy
-x minutes
-x hours
-x days
-x weeks
-x months
The date to display posts until
Display posts up until now
The number of minutes ago
The number of hours ago
The number of days ago
The number of weeks ago
The number of months ago
until="-15 minutes"
until="-1 hour"
until="-2 days"
until="-3 weeks"
until="-1 month"
Featured Post Extension
Featured Post ID featuredpost Any post ID The ID of the post you want to display featuredpost=671123009612491
Post Type type status
The type of post you are displaying type=status
Album Extension
Album ID album Any album ID The ID of the Facebook album you want to display album=440612488444
Number of columns albumcols 1-4 The number of columns in the photo grid albumcols=2
Number of photos num Any number The number of photos to display num=50
Carousel Extension
Carousel Feed carousel true
Whether or not to apply the carousel to this feed carousel=true
Number of columns carouselcols 1-6 The number of columns inside the carousel slide show carouselcols=3
Number of columns for mobile carouselmobilecols 1-6 The number of columns on mobile displays carouselmobilecols=2
Height of Carousel carouselheight tallest
How the height of the feed is set. Note: the “autoexpand” option only works when displaying 1 column in the carousel carouselheight="clickexpand"
Arrow Navigation carouselarrows none
How arrows are displayed for navigating through the carousel carouselarrows="onhover"
Pagination carouselpag true
Icons to indicate the relative position of the current slide carouselpag=true
Autoplay carouselautoplay true
Cycle through posts automatically when the feed loads carouselautoplay=true
Autoplay Time Interval carouseltime any number Number of milliseconds before a new post is shown carouseltime=5000
Masonry Extension
Masonry Feed masonry true
Whether or not to apply the masonry columns style to this feed masonry=true
Number of columns masonrycols 2-6 The number of columns for the feed for desktop masonrycols=3
Number of columns for mobile masonrymobilecols 1-2 The number of columns for the feed on mobile displays masonrymobilecols=2
Reviews Extension
Display reviews type reviews Display reviews in your feed type=reviews
Show reviews rated reviewsrated 1-5 Show reviews with these ratings reviewsrated="4,5"
Star icon size starsize Any number The size of the star icons starsize=18
“View all Reviews” text reviewslinktext Any text The text to use for the link reviewslinktext="See all"
Hide reviews with no text reviewshidenotext true
Choose whether to hide reviews with no text in them reviewshidenotext=true
API retrieval method reviewsmethod auto
Most users should leave this set as “Auto” and only change it if directed by a member of the support team. reviewsmethod=batch
Page Access Token pagetoken The Access Token for the Facebook page you want to display reviews from. Note: this shortcode option only needs to be used if displaying multiple review feeds from different Facebook pages, otherwise you can set it on the main plugin Settings page. pagetoken=xxxxx





  1. カタカナにする文字起こし

  2. 厄年・九曜星

  3. 単に数字を置換するだけ(月)

  4. 『crysti32.ocx』またはその依存関係のひとつが適切に登録されていません。

  5. 改行コードを消す!には

  6. ペーストした画像をワードプレスに投稿する⇒プラグイン不要

  7. Lineのスタンプ

  8. VisualStudio2023 コントロールのプロパティが表示されない

  9. 全角の文字を半角に変えて数値型にして計算式に使う